Content Knowledge

The Content Knowledge standard requires teachers to understand the concepts, best pedagogy practices, and instructional strategies of their discipline in order to create learning experiences that make the content accessible and engaging for all learners. The standard is important because understanding content is the foundation of effective pedagogy. Even the best instructional strategies and tools can only go so far if a teacher does not understand what they’re teaching. The following artifacts utilize these important skills and demonstrate my understanding of Content Knowledge.

This standard is exhibited in my VCLAPraxis, and RVE scores, which demonstrate my understanding of multi-subject content, reading pedagogy, and my ability to apply the literacy and communication skills that are necessary to teach and communicate effectively.

My exploration of “Charlotte’s Web” as a meditation on the extraordinary in the ordinary was selected for submission to the 2021 ChLA Conference.

The standard is also exemplified in The Glory of Everything: Finding the Extraordinary in the Mundane in Charlotte’s Web, my exploration of Charlotte’s Web as a meditation on the beauty of everyday life. I wrote this paper for my Children’s Literature class, and it was selected for submittal to the 2021 Children’s Literature Association conference, which focuses on the scholarly study of children’s and adolescent literature.

In 2018, I was inducted into the International Honor Society in Education, Kappa Delta Pi.

At Hollins, I had the honor of being inducted into the university’s inaugural class of initiates into Kappa Delta Pi, the International Honor Society in Education. KDP works to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching by offering a variety of programs, services, and resources to support and advance educators throughout the phases and levels of their teaching careers.